Blog · May 10, 2018

Shocking Reasons Why Mining Companies Need to Use Digitization

The mining industry has come a long way when you compare what we have now to the kind of industry the 20th century had to offer. All this had been made possible with the current change and advancement of underground mining technology which is growing so fast that if you relax in one second, you may end up being left so far behind you may find it difficult to catch up.

And the mining industry has embraced it so well that it uses the digitization process to ensure its betterment and improvements by the day. And what betterment means here is the significant reduction in cost, improved productivity, improved safety standards, plus a higher regulatory compliance. Digitization simply screams everything the mining industry has been aching to have for decades.

Then comes the automation of the mining industry, which has also greatly advanced thanks to digitization. Most of the common manual tasks are now automated which is more convenient and reliable, not to mention safe.

With digitization incorporated in the mining industry, most of the mines can now identify and even eliminate any inefficiencies in the field and ensures that the mine is ever in its best form. You don’t have to worry yourself about common problems like inaccurate task allocations or misplaced equipment or even inaccurate data anymore as all these stuffs are taken care of by centralized systems in digitized mines.

So, without further ado, let’s dive in to see some of the best reasons why the mining industries and companies need to adopt the use of digitization fast.

  1. You can keep your mine safer with digitization

Until the inception of digitization, most of the mining safety problems could only be discovered when an inspection was done which was not very often. All this waiting would be too long and most times you would notice that a worker ended up being injured while on duty because the required safety precaution measures were not taken. With digitization, you will be able to predict, model, and even prevent such safety hazards from occurring in the mines.

  1. You can anticipate and deal with any impending failures

With the digitization of the mining companies, you find that the mines are now able to capture and record all data in and about the mining fields in real-time, which allows you to capture, realize and prevent any impending dangers from happening in the mines before they happen.

You can ensure this by equipping sensors on your mining equipment to monitor their operations and tell whether there is any that needs attention soon.

  1. You can optimize your scheduling and material flow

Most of the mining companies already have software to create and even monitor schedules. Digitization in mining can provide a more tablet-like interface in the mining equipment where all the equipment operations can be monitored and scheduled. You can set your target and work towards meeting it.

  1. You can track and maintain your mining performance at all times

With digitization, you are in control of everything. You can check and transmit all your daily schedules to the miners and monitor their progress throughout the day towards how far they are from meeting the company’s daily target. You get to perform faster with better communication.

  1. You can develop targeted strategies

Operational and productivity excellence are the most vital elements you need to look into if you want to be and stay competitive in the mining industry. And digitization will offer you endless possibilities throughout the entire mining process. You will witness enhanced operational excellence and a significant cut in the overall operating costs as well after incorporating digitization in your mining company.